Friday, January 20, 2017

January BCREA Meeting

On Thursday, January 19, 2017, the Barron Country Retired Educators Association met at the Faith Lutheran Church in Cameron, Wisconsin.  The program was presented by Christian Cold of the WDNR Bureau of Wildlife Management.  His power point presentation has many informative and entertaining pictures dealing with wildlife and their habitats.  He informed those in attendance of different species that live in our area and what to look for or what to listen for when in the outdoors.  He ended his presentation with showing a pine snake and an owl.  Everyone in attendance enjoyed what Mr. Cold had to say.
A short business meeting followed the presentation.  After reports by the secretary, treasurer, and membership chairperson, several new pieces of information were presented by the BCREA president, Kathy Duerr.
The ladies of Faith Lutheran gave the 35 members in attendance an excellent chicken dinner.
Christian Cold and his Owl.
The next meeting will take place on Thursday, March 16, 2017, at the United Methodist Church in Barron.  The program will be presented by Arlyn Colby, dealing with TRAINS, Then and Now.  Make plans now to be in attendance
Christian Cold and his Owl.