Meeting Minutes

Barron County Retired Educators
May 2013 Meeting
Cancelled due to snow storm - No Minutes

Barron County Retired Educators
March 21, 2013
10:30 a.m
Barron County Retired Educators met on Thursday, March 21, 2013, at Rolling Oaks in Barron. Our meeting was called to order by our president, John Osterloth. He presented our speaker, Leslie Fijalkriewicz, Barron County Nutritionist, Eating Healthy.
·         Water is most important.
·         Onions and garlic are good antioxidants.
·         A little fat in your diet is essential.
·         Take your pick of whole grains and include them in a variety of ways. (whole grain breads, whole grain cereals, whole grain pasta, and brown rice) Good sources of soluble and insoluble fibers.
·         Beans provide fiber any kind.
·         Yogurt is great for digestion, bones, teeth, and gums.
·         Nuts: brazil nuts, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds.
·         Broccoli has more nutrients than any other food.
·         Melons are very healthy.
We began the business meeting by the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.
·         Two visitors were recognized.
·         Secretary’s report  was given by the Marie Anderson and seconded by Steve Eichman.
·         Treasurer’s report was given by Sandy Steiner with a balance in the treasury of $1,275.34. The Scholarship Fund has $16,204.92. The report was accepted by Frank Peichel.
·         Barb Millerman gave a membership update: 88 local and 148 WRE, State. We had six no-shows at this meeting. Barb will contact them.
·         Lynn reported that school supply donations were made to six schools this year.
New Business
·         State Convention is May 7-8 at Stevens Point. John Osterloth will be attending. $600 was allocated towards expenses.
·         Lynn Hansee received state recognition for community volunteer service. She received a pen and plaque for her Outstanding Volunteer Award.
·         Spring Retirement Planning Session will be at the Cameron Middle School, April 11, 2013. Three volunteers are needed. The presenter will be Roger Byers . A volunteer is needed to replace Howard Hanson in his position. A round of applause was given for his work.
·         Volunteers are needed for the Wisconsin Academic Decathlon. Information is available if interested.
·         We need to take a stand on Walker’s proposed aid to schools.
·         Those on the core retirement plan will be cut a minus  9.6%. The variable will be plus 9%. One can’t go below with what you started with. The good news is that this is the last year for smoothing.
·         Door prizes were won by Darlene Bratager and Mary Scchramke.
·          Ken Mosentine let us in the dinner prayer.
A delicious meal was served to about 40 people. Our next meeting will be at the R Bar, formerly Sportsman’s Club east of Cameron on Thursday May 2, at 10:30 a.m
Marie Anderson

Barron County Retired Educators
January 17, 2013
10:30 a.m
Barron County Retired Educators met on Thursday, January 17, 2013, at Bethany Lutheran church in Rice Lake at 10:30 a.m. The meeting was called to order by our president, John Osterloth. We began with our Musical Benefit Program presented by David Midboe from New Auburn and Julia Loiselle from Barron. David sang several musical selections which were greatly enjoyed by all and accompanied by Julia. What great musical talent these two people shared with us.      The business meeting was called to order and we began with Pledge Allegiance to the Flag. A moment of silence was held for Byrnie Dodge and he will be missed at our meetings.
·         Secretary’s report was read and approved by Grace Schell and Ken Mosentine.
·         Treasurer’s report was given by Sandy Steiner and approved by Jeanette Thompson. Balance in the treasury of $1,239.34. The scholarship fund has $16,204.92.
·         Barb Millerman gave us a membership update: 139 state plus 3, 78 local, plus 6. We were short 3 reservations so they will be contacted to reimburse.
·         Lynn gave a report on the school supplies donations. Last year $400 was collected and served 7 schools. They liked the clothes. Linda and Lynn delivered them to the schools.
·         Turn in your 2012 volunteer hours or send them to John.
·         Howard Hanson was thanked for his help and service as coordinator for the spring retirement seminar. He is retiring from that position so a new volunteer is needed for 2014.
Vick Bekkum gave a report on WREA activities.
·         There will be three addition editions rather than four because of the cost. It costs 9,000 for them.
·         The fall meeting at Turtle Back was one of the best with the superintendants from Superior and Cumberland presenting.
·         There will be five $2,000 awards to middle school teachers this year.
·         The spring convention will be May 7th and 8th at Steven’s Point. Vick will be installed as president on the 8th.
·         Monitor and watch our pension. Core plus 13.6 variables is a plus 16.9. The annuity adjustment for the core will be between zero and a minus 13% and the variable between seven and 9%. This is the last year for smoothing. The effective date is May 1st.
·         Dues haven’t raised for 12 years so it’s likely they will increase at the convention to $50.
·         We need to try and raise attendance one idea is reduce membership for couples.
Door prizes were won by Gene Rick and Mardell Schnell. John Osterloth led us in our dinner prayer. A delicious meal was served to 44 people. Our next meeting will be March 21st, 2013 at Rolling Oaks in Barron. The program will be “Eating Healthy” by Leslie Fijalkiewicz. Secretary, Marie Anderson

Barron County Retired Educators
November 1, 2012
10:30 a.m
            Baron County Retired Educators met November 1, 2012, at Faith Lutheran Church in Cameron at 10.30  a.m. The meeting was called to order by our new president, John Osterloth. He introduced our guest speaker, Tim Jergenson, who presented the program “Agriculture and the Adoption of Technology”. Tim is the Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Horticulture Agent for Baron County. He has served in Baron County for 29 years. Demille Richter who is also on the technology team came with him. Some of the highlights were:
·        1940s to the 60s, there were great changes from horses to tractors.
·        Today you see minimum till to save the soil. It keeps it in place.
·        The newest is robotic milkers.
·        Use of cell phone for checking on pests.
·        1950-1960’s  No soy beans
·        Soy beans and corn are herbicide crops.
·        Use of unmanned aircraft to monitor crops.
·        Phosphorous is a no-no!!!!
60th Farm Technology Days
·        Expect 50 to 60,0000 visitors in July
·        1987- Sutherland  Farm  near Cumberland
·        First show in Wisconsin in 1954 with emphasis on education.
·        Today it’s the cutting edge in technology with leadership development.
·        3years ago it was in Pierce County.
·        It’s July 9-11 2013 at Breezy Hill Dairy, Alex and Mary Olson Farm on County highway A between and Ridgeland and Dallas.
o   1,200 volunteers involved
o   Economic benefits for 15,000 people: food, business vendors, etc.
o   485 cows plus young stock
Business Meeting:
·        Began the meeting with Pledge Allegiance To The Flag
·        Recognized one new member
·        Secretaries’ report with one correction made: Dave Bennett is our new executive director. Motion made to accept the minutes by Karen Schroeder  and seconded by Frank Peichel
·         Treasurer’s report given by Sandy with a balance in the treasury of $1,135.54. Report was approved by Stan Bergum. No change in the Scholarship  Fund
·        Barb Millerman gave a membership update
·        Donations were collected for school supplies and those who didn’t give will do so in January.
·        We also decided to continue passing the hat for scholarships.
·        Several people attended the fall district meeting.
o   We received Unit Of Distinction Award
o   We also had the second largest symbolic check for recognizing volunteer hours by our members. ( $222,565.90 volunteer  time)
o   Superintendent panel : Cumberland and Superior
·        Door prizes were won by Roberta Neuman and John Osterloth
·        Our dinner prayer was given by Harold Thorson
Dinner was served to 49 people. Our next meeting is January 17, 2013 at 10:30 a.m  at Bethany Lutheran Church in Rice Lake.
Marie Anderson