Wednesday, March 25, 2015

BCREA March 2015 Meeting

On Thursday, March 19, 2015, the Barron County Retired Educators Association met at Lehman's in Rice Lake.  Registration began at 9:30 am with coffee and cookies.  The program for the meeting was County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald.  He spoke on scams taking place in the county and what to look for so you are not cheated out of your money.  As short buisness meeting took place lead by President Steve Eichman.  One visitor, Maxine Brickner, joined us for this meeting.

Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald speaks with member Frank Peichel.

BCREA January 2015 Meeting

On Thursday, January 15,  2015, the Barron County Retired Educators Association met at the Living Water Lutheran Church in Cameron, Wisconsin.
Registration began at 9:30 am with coffee and cookies.  At 10:30 am, a program was was presented by the Cameron High School Chamber Choir and Jazz Band.  The choir was under the direction of Beth Joosten and the Jazz Band under the direction of Mike Joosten.
The program was followed by a short business meeting lead by President Steve Eichman.  Two visitors joined us.  They were Paula McDaniels and Diane Peterson.
A sit down lucheon followed the meeting.  The next meeting will be March 19, 2015, at Lehman's in Rice Lake.  The program will be County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald.